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Probability Density Estimation

Introduction In statistics and Machine Learning, we often get to work with data samples. These samples are used to estimate the behaviour of the population. In inferential statistics, density estimation is used to derive informations about the population.

Introduction to Machine Translation in NLP

Imagine yourself in 1800s and you plan a travel to France being a native english speaker. It would have been nearly impossible to communicate with native French speaking community.

Singular Value Decomposition(SVD) in python from scratch

Singular Value Decomposition in python from scratch According to wikipedia, SVD is a factorization of a real or complex matrix. For more information, please go through this wiki link.

Bias and Variance Trade-off

Knowing a machine learning model and it’s behaviour is very important for a data scientist. To decide which model suits best to your needs, model evaluation is very important.

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

PCA is very useful tool in machine learning. When it comes to dimensionality reduction, PCA is one of the basic and mostly used tools by ML practitioners.